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Against Overdevelopment

Zoned out

Easy Reader - 8/4/22

Dear ER:

A letter writer on July 14 asserted that those opposing the BCHD Healthy Living Campus need to come to the table or step aside. I personally have and still do come to the table for very civilized conversations with BCHD reps. In the end, we don’t agree, and that’s okay. The writer suggests that the detractors’ opposition to this and other development projects means we can’t have nice things. “Nice things” is relative. I think it’d be nice to have something on that property for which it’s zoned. It’s zoned for public purposes or structures for the community, not private buildings. This project does not align with the land’s intent, therefore not questioning it and just “stepping aside” is not an option. Pointing out the zoning and the unusual private nature of this project is not spreading “uninformed beliefs.” It’s imploring residents to get familiar with both the land issue and potentially disastrous financial aspects of this project. It’s not being anti-development to ask people to look at what is right for the community, rather than what’s right for a would-be private developer capitalizing, or worse, going bankrupt, on our public zoned land.

Lara Duke

Redondo Beach

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