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Against Overdevelopment

Dear ER:

Beach Cities Health District CEO Ton Bakaly said in a recent Easy Reader article that if BCHD simply tore down the hospital, it would need to cut services by 17 percent. Clearly, BCHD could simply cut non-resident services, maintain District resident services, and not destroy surrounding neighborhood character with a commercial office building by PMB. So why is BCHD planning to put a 110-foot tall, 300,000 square foot building on the north and east edges of the site in order to service non-residents? It makes no sense. BCHD needs to preserve the neighborhoods, curtail 100 percent of non-resident services, and reduce its fat executive overheads to fit inside of a 17 percent reduced budget. That would provide 100 percent of current services to District residents with no further destruction of surrounding privacy and property values.

Mark Nelson

Redondo Beach

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Torrance Redondo Against Overdevelopment (TRAO) 

is a grassroots group of concerned residents who believe in responsible development, not overdevelopment.

Beach Cities Health District is planning a massive private RCFE project on public land (site of the former South Bay Hospital) that is would permanently harm the health and quality of life of surrounding neighborhoods and South Bay residents.


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