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City Council Public Hearings on General Plan 

Speaking up

Beach Cities Health District has gone to extreme measures in order to get a high floor area ratio (FAR) for their site on Public/Institutional land. ​BCHD management has 1) provided veiled threats to the City of Redondo Beach with their lawyer, 2) told their employees and the public that they were "being targeted" by the City, and that their favorite programs were "under attack" (not true), and 3) are demanding an extremely high FAR for themselves and ALL public institutional land in Redondo Beach. This red flag shows their  self-interests are more important to them than the character of the City and quality of life for residents now and in the future.


Thanks to the many residents and public servants who are speaking out. Here are just a few of the speakers at the Oct. 15 and Oct. 29 Redondo Beach City Council pubic hearing.

A few of the Public Hearing Speakers - Oct. 15 [click to watch]


A few of the speakers - Oct. 29 [click to watch]

​What happened?

  • BCHD’s lawyer sent another letter to the City of Redondo Beach

  • CEO Tom Bakaly got some pushback on their misleading communications telling their staff, volunteers and the public that BCHD is being “targeted” by the City and their favorite programs “attacked” in order to get them to comment. Thanks to Councilmember Todd Lowenstein for speaking up.

  • Just before the vote was to be taken, City Manager Mike Witzansky recommended that the City Council take one more week to approve the EIR for the General Plan to “err on the side of caution” due to a comment in BCHD’s  letter from their lawyer. The Council voted to wait one week until Nov. 5 to make their decision on approving the General Plan portions pertaining to the Housing Element and approve the PEIR.


Torrance Redondo Against Overdevelopment (TRAO) 

is a grassroots group of concerned residents who believe in responsible development, not overdevelopment.

Beach Cities Health District is planning a massive private RCFE project on public land (site of the former South Bay Hospital) that is would permanently harm the health and quality of life of surrounding neighborhoods and South Bay residents.


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