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What BCHD's PR Campaign does not tell you

[REF: Sq. footage from BCHD approved FEIR and request for quotation to commercial developers]









Before and after visualization from BCHD's"Healthy Living Campus" Environmental Impact Report.


Clearly Incompatible.

BCHD wants a private developer to build one of the tallest, largest buildings in all the Beach Cities on public land.


BCHD, a public health district, is currently finalizing the selection process with a private developer to develop, OWN, and operate the proposed supersized facility. At ~$12,500+ per mo. per bed, their own feasibility study showed the vast majority of potential tenants would come from outside the three beach cities.


The proposed high-priced, commercial RCFE (residential care facility for the elderly) would be sited on public land zoned P-CF. BCHD requires approval of a conditional use permit (CUP) and a Design Review from the Redondo Beach Planning Commission.  Their proposal is inconsistent with neighborhood character, balance, mass, design and scale, violating Redondo Beach municipal code and Residential Design Guidelines. 





The structure would tower ~110 ft. above street level, built on the edge of a 30 ft. hill. 


It's 292,000 sq. ft. mass, would stretch across an entire city block, from behind the 520 N. Prospect medical offices building to Flagler Lane along Beryl, blocking open vistas in all directions.




Based on sq. footage of the massive structure:


90% - 12,000+ per mo. private-owned assisted living/memory care. Their feasibility study showed 80% of potential tenants would be from outside the Beach Cities.


5% - PACE (redundant services, not shown in this view)


3% -  Youth Center (currently on a grant)


2% - BCHD Admin office


90% of building is FOR-PROFIT, private developer-owned












Only 3% of the structure would be for a Youth Center (funded by a grant) and 2% for BCHD admin offices.










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[Ref: RCFE section view and statistics from BCHD CUP application to City of Redondo Beach]
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