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Don't let this happen to YOUR public land!

Artist's rendering of Phase 1 of the proposed HLC project overhead view from Beryl and Flagler.


Redondo Beach Planning Commission 

Last Public Hearing - Redondo Beach General Plan

City Council Chambers, 415 Diamond St.

Thurs., Sept. 19 at 6:30 p.m.

SUPPORT the proposed max. 0.75 FAR for public land that limits the size and density of development on public land and protects residents and open space.


Information to consider for comments

  • The 0.75 FAR maximum in the Draft Plan proposed already would allow a major increase in density/intensity than currently exists in most of the Public Institutional (PI) zones. In fact, the 0.75 FAR limit is double to triple the size of many public properties’ existing FAR. See table of existing FAR  to see the current FAR of public institutional land parcels within the city.

  • Increasing the FAR would set a damaging precedence for overdevelopment on public land now, and for the future. 

  • BCHD’s development plans have always been in conflict with Redondo Beach municipal code in scale, mass and compatibility with the surrounding neighborhoods that encompass the site.

  • Public land is designated to serve the residents, not private developers and a majority of non-residents.

Why Comment?


BCHD is pushing hard to get an increase on what they can build on public land. They are urging Redondo Beach City officials to allow for an INCREASE of floor area ratio (FAR) from 0.75 to 1.25 to accommodate their overdevelopment plans.


They are also pushing for ALL public institutional land (~20 sites) to increase to 1.25. Increasing the FAR (the density of structures that could be built on their site) would set a dangerous precedent for the future OVER-development of all public lands in Redondo Beach.


Tom Bakaly, CEO of BCHD states if the FAR is approved "as is" without the increase in the General Plan, they will not be able to build their HLC as planned (e.g., Phase 1 includes a nearly 300,000 sq. ft. privately owned RCFE structure). This FAR limit for public institutional land has been in the Draft General Plan since 2022 and sets REASONABLE limits on public land.

The 0.75 FAR applies to all Public Institutional (PI) land parcels. Only two exceptions exist: the City of Redondo Beach City Hall and Annex. (On those two city-owned public properties the City has the ability to build to a maximum 1.25 FAR). Approximately 20 parcels are zoned Public Institution (PI) and are under the same 0.75 FAR.














What is Floor Area Ratio (FAR)?

FAR measures the ratio of a building’s floor area in relation to the size of the lot/parcel it’s on. It’s the amount of building divided by size of lot. It determines the bulk or mass of building volume on a development site. Higher FARs indicate greater building volume.For instance, a FAR of 0.75 means 75% of the lot can be developed with a single story.

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Torrance Redondo Against Overdevelopment (TRAO) 

is a grassroots group of concerned residents who believe in responsible development, not overdevelopment.

Beach Cities Health District is planning a massive private RCFE project on public land (site of the former South Bay Hospital) that is would permanently harm the health and quality of life of surrounding neighborhoods and South Bay residents.

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