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BCHD Board President admits that the entire process for their $450M
project,that they call the "Healthy Living Campus" has been confusing to them and the public.
The B
Residents vehemently oppose the BCHD HLC overdevelopment. See what the public thinks about the massive project, in excerpts from 110+ public comments read into the record at the June 17, 2020 BCHD Board meeting. Tne project was approved to move forward at the same meeting it was presented to the Board and the pubiic.

BCHD Board of Directors
When you think no one is listening the truth comes out. At their 4/26/17 BoD meeting, the Board went over the guiding principles for the HLC. Director Poster tells the staff to use better words when discussing the project. Dr. Chun suggests fine tuning the key messaging. The rest is history.
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