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How will 5+ years of traffic congestion affect you?


Nearly 10,000 Heavy Haul Truck Trips 

will rattle west on Del Amo Blvd, pass West High and corner of Redondo Union High, turn onto N. Prospect and onto Beryl and Flagler for staging. Loads of excavated concrete, unearthed soil, and demolition byproducts. Egress is planned to be on Beryl, up to Prospect, and proceed north onto 190th and on to the 405 freeway.


Truck Route runs close to busy school pick-up and drop-off areas for Towers Elementary and Beryl Heights Elementary schools, West High, Redondo Union, and Parras Middle school. It runs next to Dominguez and Sunnyglen parks. 


After 5+ years of construction, the massive structure and ongoing traffic will permanently damage our neighborhoods.



 [EIR Sec. 3.14 Transportation]











Lane closures, cut-through traffic and heavy congestion during and after construction



Per the FEIR [Ref. Appendix J ]

Seven (7) intersections expected to operate at levels of service (LOS) traffic grades E or F during one or both peak hours. [Ref: EIR Appendix J]



Imagine the impact on all surrounding streets including N. Prospect from Del Amo to 190th in Redondo Beach during 5 years of construction and during operation. Results of the AM and PM peak hour intersection LOS analysis show the following intersections at E and F:


​"3.1.4 Level of Service Results

As shown in Table intersections are projected to operate at LOS E or worse during one or both peak hours:


Flagler Lane & 190th Street (AM & PM peak hour)

Inglewood Avenue & 190th Street (PM peak hour) 

Harkness Lane & Beryl Street (AM & PM peak hour)

Flagler Lane & Beryl Street (AM & PM peak hour)

Redbeam Avenue & Del Amo Boulevard (AM & PM peak hour)

Anza Avenue & Del Amo Boulevard (PM peak hour)

Hawthorne Boulevard & Del Amo Boulevard (AM & PM peak hour)"



Per the EIR, the project “with other cumulative traffic in the area, would generate increases in CO2 levels near local intersections.”  



Ref: EIR, Appendix J

(Six levels of service are defined and each is assigned a letter designation from A to F, with LOS A representing the best operating conditions, and LOS F the worst).






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