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BCHD opts for extreme building height and damaging placement of structure, over resident's health.


On Nov. 17, 2021, BCHD Board of Directors certified an environmental impact report (EIR) that found construction noise to be "a Significant impact that cannot be mitigated". The Board chose to "override" damages to residents, and approve a project that has known significant harms to residents and their own tenants located on-site. 


The EIR states that noise levels during the 5+ years of construction will EXCEED the Federal Transit Authority (FTA) thresholds. The table within the EIR shows the Noise levels will exceed both daily and 30-day average residential standards permitted by law.

What are the impacts of hazardous noise?


“Prolonged exposure to high levels of noise is known to have several adverse effects on people, including hearing loss, communication interference, sleep interference, physiological responses... (Federal Interagency Committee on Urban Noise [FICUN] 1980). [Ref: HLC FEIR}


The impacts will be greatest throughout areas surrounding the 11-acre site.

“…significant and unavoidable noise impacts would occur through implementation of proposed construction.” [Ref: FEIR p.3.11-35]


Who will be exposed to hazardous noise levels? 

According to the EIR:

  1. Residents of Redondo Beach in homes and residences on ALL streets surrounding the site: Beryl, Diamond, and N. Prospect 

  2. Residents of West Torrance homes on Flagler Lane and Flagler Alley to the east 

  3. Tenants of Silverado and medical offices onsite.


What about the business owners and patrons of the Vons Shopping Center directly below? 


The EIR appears to be silent on the businesses and public, which would be directly below the construction.


Could construction noise be mitigated?


Yes. The extreme height of the structure and close proximity to homes causes damaging noise.  According to the final EIR, noise barriers are proposed to be built to 30 feet high - roughly the equivalent of 2 stories or 31 ft. high.  

The proposed Phase 1 structure is proposed to be approximately 3x that height with appendages.


{Ref. FEIR Table 3.11-16 & 3.11-17]








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