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Senior Housing? Really?

Against Overdevelopment

Easy Reader - 5/5/22

Dear ER:

Can someone please explain how the Beach Cities Health District’s mission is advanced by another senior living establishment? Also, how is hijacking acres of prime public lands to further a private profit-making enterprise even on the table? So much value could be given to the public. We’d be better off with open space in this area than any sort of real estate development for real estate’s sake. Wouldn’t this site make a heck of a leased corporate headquarters for some tax-paying Fortune 500 company? Somehow this discussion has progressed to the environmental impact report stage. The darn thing shouldn’t even be considered because it misses the mark on public benefit. Senior housing? Really? If BCHD has more property than it needs, the land should be divided for multiple public purposes.

Charles Szymanski

Redondo Beach

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Torrance Redondo Against Overdevelopment (TRAO) 

is a grassroots group of concerned residents who believe in responsible development, not overdevelopment.

Beach Cities Health District is planning a massive private RCFE project on public land (site of the former South Bay Hospital) that is would permanently harm the health and quality of life of surrounding neighborhoods and South Bay residents.

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