Easy Reader, 8/18/22
Dear ER:
On EasyReaderNews.com, the Beach Cities Health District seems to publish articles at will (“Beach Cities Health District’s Campus Modernization Project Selects Partners,” ER Aug. 11, 2022). They present what appears to be a news account, with plenty of self-congratulatory quotes from their leadership. The articles always have the most positive spin possible. On closer inspection, the articles are written by Dan Smith, who happens to be BCHD’s Director of Communications. Of course, most of the public is unaware that the articles are written by BCHD’s own promotions team. There is a byline with the author’s name, but no mention that he works for the BCHD in that capacity. Why does it matter? The subject of the articles is a half-billion dollar proposal for their massive development project, self-dubbed the Healthy Living Campus. This controversial project, which will negatively impact the beach cities and surrounding areas. It would be far more appropriate to have full disclosure on these PR pieces. And far more legitimate, having objective reporting. You have a responsibility to represent to the public, both sides of the controversy.
Ann Wolfson
{Editor’s response: During the pandemic Easy Reader invited Beach Cities Health District to contribute stories related to the pandemic. With the pandemic winding down, this arrangement is ending, and statements from the Beach Cities Health District will be edited by Easy Reader.}