Easy Reader, 9/1/22 https://easyreadernews.com/letters-to-the-editor-9-1-22/
Dear ER:
My wife and I have lived one block west of the Beach Cities Health District since 1984. I served two terms on the BCHD Finance Committee, and have sadly watched as the Health District management mismanaged their goal/directive to operate within a break-even budget.
This year has been a disaster for the District. They have given up on any pretense of staying within their budget and are trying to give away public taxpayer owned land to a private developer. CEO Tom Bakaly and his managers are doing this to hang on to their $250,000 plus salaries for another 10 to 15 years during the construction of the wealthy, out-of-towners only, half a billion dollar retirement center.
When that project fails, as it surely will, then Redondo, Hermosa, and Manhattan Beach home owners like myself will see our property taxes quadruple to bail out the developer. Now is the time to stop this insanity.
Pat Wickens
Redondo Beach https://easyreadernews.com/letters-to-the-editor-9-1-22/