Draft EIR Comments are due by June 10, 5 p.m.
Why should I comment?
You can't afford not to...
5+ years of noise, hazards, and congestion from mass demolition and construction would cause permanent damage to our quality of life and will set a new precedent for overdevelopment.​
Commenting is the ONLY way to get into the record, BCHD must address all comments to the DEIR.
Where to start
1. State your opposition to the project.
2. Add issues, deficiencies of most concern to you.
3. Send email to EIR@bchd.org, subject line "Public Comments to BCHD DEIR".
You can also cc or forward your comments to the Responsible Agencies: City of Redondo Beach & City of Torrance.
Every comment matters! Submit as many times as you want.
Here’s a few suggestions to get to what matters most to you.
Go to the DEIR by Section and find one (1) area that interests you, e.g., are you concerned about a specific area such as Noise, Aesthetics (size and compatibility with surrounding neighborhood), or Traffic/Transportation? A single topic will allow you to focus your comments.
Once done, repeat with another topic.
Check out Reasons to Oppose.
Other important sections:
Section 5.0, Alternatives - CEQA requires discussion of a reasonable range of feasible alternatives to the proposed Project. See the Project Alternatives that BCHD provided and their rationale.​ Do you agree with their conclusions?
Appendix M: Shade & Shadow Study