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Against Overdevelopment

Beach Cities Health Campus Versus 'Age in Place'

Updated: Jan 6, 2020

The Beach Reporter,

No responsible agency should proceed with a project without undertaking a reputable Needs Assessment survey to justify a change in the charter plan that residents support and indeed fund the Board members to adhere to. You have produced no reputable Needs Assessment that you can cite. You put forth that many senior citizens will need these 400 assisted living units, an additional 60 units going to memory care. This is counter-cultural as AARP, that represents the majority of residents 50 years and over, has for decades found that senior citizens much prefer to “age in place” in multi-generational neighborhoods, procuring in-home health assistance as needed, not isolated on a campus that is expected to take $500 million over 15 years to construct. I am one of them.

Additionally, Mr. Tom Bakaly and staff have not been able to establish the cost for a resident to live in his assisted living campus. This suggests that an ordinary, middle-class resident could not afford to live in the proposed assisted living units, so that this is an elitist undertaking that the City of Redondo Beach cannot afford the fiscal burden to provide sewage and infrastructure services to this population on a vastly enlarged campus when the City is already in debt for the cost of employee benefits.

The City is “carrying” these costs already for nine such facilities, with adjacent large facilities already supporting this population.

City services will not be sufficient to protect the children who attend schools adjacent to the BCHD plant: two elementary schools are largely impacted, Beryl Heights and Towers Elementary, one on either side of the campus, Parras Middle School one and a half blocks away, and the youth attending the two high schools east and west of the site. The Prospect Ave, Beryl, and Del Amo Blvd. travel corridors are already a threat to pedestrian traffic. Your EIR must take this into account as the liability is all yours. Your profit motive cannot be offset by this grave consideration to protect our children.

—Mary R. Ewell, Redondo Beach

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