Dear ER:
I’ve noticed that the Beach Cities Health District has revved up its marketing and branding efforts. Their materials are distributed at city hall, in the mail, in restaurants, at events, twitter feeds, billboards, grocery stores, local newspapers, everywhere you and I go. This effort to influence us is intrusive and no other health district goes to this length or expense to influence its community. Why the branding and marketing overload? BCHD is on a marketing blitz because it has a plan they want us to buy. That plan is to give 75 percent ownership of their new development, which is within the Redondo Beach boundary, to a real estate investor group. If this plan goes through, for the next 50 years or more our property will be out of the hands of the community. This is not good for Redondo Beach residents. Do we want this property to be used for the benefit of the community or for the benefit of a private investor? Do we want this property to be used for its zoned purpose of parks, open space, and recreational facilities or to be used for a luxury assisted living facility for the benefit of investors? Why turn over our future to hedge funds and private equity money? We must not fall for BCHD’s marketing gimmicks and we must say no to this new development plan.
Sheila W. Lamb
Redondo Beach