Dear ER:
Beach Cities Health District could learn a thing or two from The Friendship Foundation and Homeboy Industries. These two organizations serve their target populations spectacularly well, are financially self sustaining, and do not burden the taxpayer. BCHD on the other hand, has taxation baked into their DNA. The District was created in the 1950’s to build a hospital through property taxation. The hospital opened in 1960 and became obsolete and ceased operations in 1998.
By all rights, BCHD should have ceased to exist at that time because the purpose for its establishment was now gone. But in mission creep over the years that would make GW blush, BCHD is still here, serving an ever narrowing population and proving that there is nothing so permanent as a temporary tax. Sure, I know the argument, if it dissolves, the tax doesn’t go away it just gets absorbed into a bloated bureaucratic county budget. So why not spend the money locally? Fine. But not only does BCHD get our tax money, it has over 250,000 square feet of income property.
So how dare it even consider coming back to us for more as a bond issue.
Warren Barr
Hermosa Beach