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Municipal Services Review of BCHD

Los Angeles (LA) LAFCO Public Hearing

Municipal Services Review of BCHD

Wed., Sept. 14 at 9:00 a.m. - Virtual Meeting


A state-mandated Municipal Services Review (MSR) of Beach Cities Health District by LA LAFCO (Local Agency Formation Committee) is scheduled for Wed. Sept.14, at 9:00 a.m.


Why is it important? LAFCO is the state government organization that oversees special districts. They determine the boundaries of service and sphere of influence for the public district as well as each district’s financial operations, services and related issues.


This review is timely, now that BCHD, a health district, wants to EXPAND future services well beyond the beach cities of Redondo Beach, Hermosa Beach and Manhattan Beach. BCHD was last reviewed by LA LAFCO in 2012, with no public comment.  


LA LAFCO staff recommends a reduction in BCHD’s sphere of influence (SOI) from the SOI claimed by the BCHD to its actual jurisdictional border of the three beach cities. 

If the LA LAFCO Board approves the staff recommendation, BCHD’s sphere of influence would be reduced to what we believe it should be: only the three taxpaying cities which voted to establish the district in the 1950s.


=> Support LA LAFCO’s recommendation to reduce BCHD’s sphere of influence.


Send an email to, no later than Wed. 9/14 at 9:00 a.m.


Written comments will be read into the record.

Agenda and review package are here.


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